Saturday 29 December 2018

The end of 2018

Well, the end of 2018 is almost upon us and I look back over the year and see how well I did abiding in His love.

Well, it wasn't easy.  There were times that I couldn't wait to spend time in the word, sitting and soaking in His Presence.  Yet, there were other times that I struggled.  Depression has a way of sneaking back into my life, now and again, and the last thing I want to do is abide.  I would rather go off and have a pity party.  Not cool.  I did find one this different about this year though.  Whenever I would have a bad day and feel the depression creeping in, I would take a stand against this tactic of the enemy.  I wouldn't put up with it.  Before, I would wrangle with depression for a couple of days.  Not this year.  I would recognize it for what it is, and would fight back instead of giving in, waiting for it to pass.  I found success in that this year.  Abiding helped.  I grew stronger.  I grew closer.  I am on a journey from hell to heaven.  It doesn't get any better than that.

In this day and age of 'me first', life can get quite frustrating....if you let it.  Spending time with God is never wasted....ever.  The more time you spend with Him, the more you get to know Him and the more He has an impact on Your life.  I know this to be true.  The words from Amazing Grace, "I once was lost, but now am found, 'twas blind but now I see" are so true.

I think back to the dark days of my life and that is somewhere that I never, ever want to go again.  I never had any joy, just hopelessness.  But, in a split second, He removed that hopelessness and restored by hope and my joy.  I am still on a journey and I have not arrived yet...but I am not where I used to be.  That is a good thing.  I look forward to what He has in store for me next.

It's the end of 2018, but it's not the end of abiding in His Presence and His Love.

Friday 16 November 2018

The Year is Winding Down

Well, the year is winding down and I haven't posted in a while.  It is not easy to keep focussed on certain things in this day and age.  It's all so fast paced and busy.  It's the way the enemy keeps us from focussing on God and turns our focus inward.  Well, it's not about us.  It's about God.  He sustains us.  He heals us.  He is our fortress, our shield in times of trouble and if we haven't been abiding in Him, He can feel distant.  Yet, he is always near us.  The bible tells us so.  If we live in faith, we feel Him, yet if we get caught up in the busyness of life, He seems distant from us.  But, what is the distance?  The distance is us listening to the world and not to the Voice of God, because he is right there with us, in the midst of our mess.  We need to be intentional.  I know what it feels like not to abide in God for a week or two....impatience, anger, frustration, anxiety.  Where did the peace go?  God doesn't remove our joy or our peace...we choose to give it away by not spending time with HIm.  So, the year is winding down, yes it is.  But my focus is on my Heavenly Father.  He is my rock, my shield, my strength when I feel week.  He loves me, unconditionally, and that is a big comfort.  As we come into the Christmas season, I am more determined to focus on Him than on what is happening in the world.  It's not always easy either, but to be intentional makes a difference.  Do I care about what is going on in the world?  Absolutely.  But, I don't let it steal from my relationship with God.  Abide.  Sit and wait. Soak.  Worship.  Pray.  It is definitely not a waste of time, that I know from experience.  Know this. God loves you.  Doesn't matter what you have done or what path you are on.  God loves you.  He is there wherever you go, whatever decision you make.  Maybe you just need to finally meet Him so you can get to know Him.  Open your bible and He will meet you there...a great place to start.

Monday 20 August 2018

Am I Still Abiding?

Well, it's been a long time since I wrote in this blog.  Summer seems to come and take over. I must confess that my morning devotionals and abiding turn into afternoon sessions because I golf and my tee times are very early in the morning.  Last year I didn't seem to have an issue getting out of bed early, but this year seemed a bit laboured.  Perhaps it was because I didn't get up earlier and spend time with God and I usually did.  His word fuelled me for the day.  I actually missed doing that, but my love of golf took priority.  Hmmm....something to consider for next year.  What is my priority??  Good question.  I would like to think that God is my priority but I know that is not the case on many occasions. I constantly think of Him, but do I spend the same amount of time?  No.  They say confession is good for the soul and I do feel better sharing here.  Maybe it's a struggle many go through.  In my previous church, I would feel condemned and that is not God.  He does not put condemning thoughts in our hear.  In my current church, I am learning what it is like to be loved and not judged by what I do.  If I miss a Sunday, I don't get grilled about where I was last week...I get hugged and told that it's good to see me.  That is family in my books.  I am learning not to listen to the voice of the enemy that tells me I have to 'religiously' go to church or I am a bad Christian.  I don't feel guilty.  So the first part of the year, when I was abiding in His Presence more, I have learned not to strive to be accepted, not to feel guilty and certainly not to judge.  Do I screw up...absolutely.  But I am quick to ask forgiveness and move on, just like the Bible says to do.  So, as the days grow shorter toward the end of summer, I get up just as early and spend time with Him.  That makes me happy.  Starting my day with God is the best thing that ever happened to me.  I have tried over the years, to do things my way, and there has always been something missing.  I would rather have joy and peace in my daily routine than stress and anxiety.  Abiding is the best way to reach that goal.  Let's see how I do for the rest of the year!  Be blessed today, I know I am blessed just to be alive for such a time as this!

Friday 20 April 2018

When Storms Come...and They Will!

No matter what storms are raging around you in life, it is Jesus who can bring peace. No matter what tempests are thundering within your own mind and heart, it is Jesus who can calm you deep in your soul.

We all have trials, temptations, storms in our lives.  No one is exempt.  If you think you will go through life happy all the time, think again.  The inevitable will happen.

But God...

John 16:33 The Passion Translation (TPT)

33 And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous,[a] for I have conquered the world!”
Note in the verse "you will experience trouble and sorrows".  He didn't say MAY experience, He said WILL experience.  We just need to stay fixed on Him, rest in Him, rely on Him.  He is our strength in tough times.  It's not easy either.  Sometimes I have gone through tough times and my eyes don't turn to God, they turn to things like "if only I were dead I wouldn't be going through this", "no one will miss me", "I can't do this anymore", "what is wrong with me".  Encouraging words in a dark time....NOT! I am learning, as I abide more in His presence, that He is the first thing I think of, more often than not.  I recognize those other words, and who delivered them and I won't partake anymore.  Sometimes thoughts creep in, but I recognize works of the enemy and I give him a boot out the door.  It can be a struggle to boot him out, at times, but persistence with God's help, always wins.  God has all the authority, which Jesus passed on to us.
Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came close to them and said, “All the authority of the universe has been given to me.[h] 19 Now go in my authority and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 20 And teach them to faithfully follow[i] all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day, even to the completion of this age.
What a blessing.  So, when we abide in Him, we get close to Him, we have relationship with Him and ultimately, we have His authority.  If Jesus has all authority, then satan has NO authority.  Don't let him bully you, boot him out with just one word "Jesus"!  

Sunday 1 April 2018

He Is Risen

Happy Easter Everyone

As I reflect back on my journey of abiding, I land on Resurrection Sunday.  Such a special day in history....His Story...without His sacrifice on the cross, I would not have the opportunity to abide in His presence.

I grew up in a religious home with good values.  My mom always hoped her kids would follow God.  I dutifully went to church on Sunday mornings and even sang in the choir.  We went to an Anglican church at the time, because our neighbours went there and invited us to attend.  I think it suited my dad better, because I don't remember him going to the Pentecostal church that we had attended, Queensway Cathedral in Toronto.

I gave my heart to God at a retreat centre called Bezak Centre which was located out in the country on a small county road, just outside of Campbellville, Ontario.  Bezak was my first encounter with the Charismatic movement and I remember loving it right from the start.  It always felt like home to me, it drew me in.  I made a number of friends there and look back over the years on how I lost touch with each and every one of them.

Over time, I back slid in my faith.  I found new friends after we moved to a small town called Paisley, Ontario.  These friends loved to party and I was drawn into that world so easily.  I didn't even want to do anything else.  It became more important to me than school.  Needless to say, my marks were not high enough for university, and I ended going to community college taking a subject I really wasn't that interested in.  But, college was good...lots of parties to go to there!

Over time I grew restless in my career and desperately looked for a change.  And change I did...I joined the military.  I was always drawn to a uniform and when I joined the military, it was the best thing I ever did.  I had so much fun in basic training that I didn't want it to end. It was a great confidence builder.  But, we all know that life changes over time.  I met the love of my life in Edmonton and we got married.  We tried to have kids, but it wasn't meant to be.  At times, I thought God was punishing me, but today I know that was not the case.  Spiritually I was lost and a small crisis caused me to start searching and eventually I found God.  He has always been there, I just chose not to listen to Him.  I returned to my faith, got baptized in water, then by the Holy Spirit.  It was been a roller coaster journey, but I abide in His presence, as I sit and wait on Him, He is near me, comforting me, encouraging me.  It's not always rosy.  He even told us that "When you have troubles...".  Troubles are a part of life, they are what make us stronger.  When you abide with Him, troubles are a tad bit easier to deal with than trying to do everything in your own strength.  To be able to go through hard times, completely at peace, is worth it.  Don't get me wrong...I sometimes go through troubles by my own power and it's never easy that way.  When I choose to surrender to Him, to His ways, it's the best decision I could make.

So, abiding...helps me get closer with God, helps me know Him better, helps me keep my peace no matter the circumstance.  Are you abiding...or going solo?  How's it working out for you?  Are you at peace?  Is there conflict?  Do you have your joy?  

I am not where I need to be....but I am certainly not where I was and never want to go back there.  I am on the best journey of a lifetime.  Abiding is ultimately very rewarding.  

Happy Easter!

Wednesday 21 February 2018

A Billy Graham Tribute

I know this isn't part of my one word blog for this year, but with Billy Graham's passing, I thought I would share his last devotional he wrote, which came in my e-mail this afternoon.

God is Love
by Billy Graham

Who can describe or measure the love of God? Our Bible is a revelation of the fact that God is love. When we preach justice, it is justice tempered with love. When we preach righteousness, it is righteousness founded on love. When we preach atonement for sin, it
is atonement necessitated because of love, provided by
love, finished by love.

When we preach the resurrection of Christ, we are preaching the miracle of love. When we preach the abiding presence of Christ, we are preaching the power of love. When we preach the return of Christ, we are preaching the fulfillment of love.

No matter what sin we have committed, no matter how black, dirty, shameful, or terrible it may be, God loves us. We may be at the very gate of hell itself, but God loves us with an everlasting love.

The proof? Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, went to the Cross for us.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

Sunday 11 February 2018

More on abiding...from someone else!

I am currently reading a book by Wendy Blight called "I Am Loved".  It is essentially a book that references the scriptures of John and how God loves us.  It has questions that challenge your thinking and scriptures to look up and places to write notes.  It's a little Bible study and I am really enjoying it.  

Finishing day 5 of week 3, she made some profound statements about abiding, and I will copy them here.

"John closes this chapter by again reminding us of Jesus’s words on abiding. Jesus spoke thoroughly on this topic so that we would comprehend the value He placed on investing not only our hearts but also our time in our relationship with Him (John 15). 

Abiding is key to walking in the confident assurance of God’s love and His Word. We comprehend the depth of His love through the sacrifice He made. 

Abiding helps soften our hearts to His words, even the hard words. 

Abiding tenders our heart to respond in obedience to the Spirit’s conviction. We desire to please Him. We want to obey Him. 

Abiding continually exposes our hearts to the character, purposes, and voice of God. It’s the daily, systematic feeding of truth that helps align our decisions, our emotions, and our actions with His standard of truth. We filter every decision through the lens of His Word. It helps to ensure we walk in light rather than darkness, to live motivated by love not hate. 

Abiding gives us the weapons we need to detect, defeat, and disarm the enemy. To recognize darkness, expose it to light, and claim victory over it!"

Blight, Wendy. I Am Loved: Walking in the Fullness of God’s Love (InScribed Collection) (p. 153). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. 

I am amazed that, since starting this blog on abiding, I run into all kinds of devotionals on abiding...and a book that I happen to be reading (which I bought before doing this blog).

I hope this blesses you!  Until next time...